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Limpios, simples y elegantes: estos gabinetes con estilo empotrado exudan simplicidad pero generan entusiasmo a través de su contraste con otros colores y texturas cercanos en una cocina.
Ofrecemos una variedad de gabinetes de tocador premontados de KZ Kitchen y GoldenHome.
Koozzo y Dawn también ofrecen conjuntos de gabinetes listos para ensamblar.
Descubra sus estilos de gabinetes favoritos entre nuestras más de 20 colecciones.
Muebles de tocador
We offer a variety of pre-assembled vanity cabinets from KZ Kitchen and GoldenHome.
Ready-to-assemble cabinet sets are also available from Koozzo and Dawn.
Discover your favorite cabinet styles from our 20+ collections.
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GE 36-in. Freestanding Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator with 23.1 cu. ft. Total Capacity, 5 Glass Shelves, 7.2 cu. ft.

Número de modo:
35 3/4" x 31 1/4" x 69 7/8"
GE Profile PWE23KYNFS Overview
The PWE23KYNFS 36" sleek counter-depth design of the GE Profile French door refrigerator gives it a built-in look in the kitchen without requiring remodeling. It uses Twin Chill evaporators - one for the refrigerator and one for the freezer - to ensure that those temperatures are always where they should be. In the refrigerator, there is an internal water dispenser for clean, crisp water. Four 4 adjustable spill-proof glass shelves provide plenty of storage options. Available at AppliancesConnection
TwinChill™ Evaporators
Separate climates in the fresh food and freezer sections help keep foods fresh.
Turbo Cool and Turbo Freeze
Quickly chill the refrigerator or freezer compartments, perfect after trips from the grocery store.
Electronic Temperature-Controlled Drawer
3 accurate settings deliver the optimal temperature for your favorite foods, while colored lights indicate the chosen setting.
Quick Space Shelf
Functions as a normal full-sized shelf when needed and easily slides down for instant storage flexibility.
Showcase LED Lighting
Positioned throughout the interior and under fresh food doors to spotlight foods inside the refrigerator and in the freezer.
Enhanced Shabbos Mode
The Shabbos Keeper connects to your refrigerator to automatically enable Shabbos compatible modes each week and before every holiday (Shabbos Keeper sold separately).
Internal Water Dispenser
Delivers filtered water with one touch.
Advanced Water Filtration
Reduces trace pharmaceuticals from water and ice.
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